Saturday, March 11, 2006

Leather District Gourmet

Ok, I have been inspired by my sister's new blog to pick mine back up. What in God's name is the Leather District, you ask? Check it out for yourself. And be sure to click on the link on her page for Suite101! She has a new column on that site all about gourmet food. Yummy!


JacquelineC said...

Thanks for the plug little brother! Glad to see you're up and running on it again. BTW - Suite101 has a lot of free online courses, I'm taking the one on HTML. Check it out!

Kate North said...

OK, here's a way to feel really old. I just had a look at your blog to see if anything was happening. Saw the posting about your sister's new blog, had a brief look there, and saw Marisa listed as a contributor. Now, I remember when Marisa was born, the proud uncle (and yes, we were very very very very young then) bringing photos into school to brag with. [Those were the days when you had to use an archaic substance called "film" in your camera and have it developed. And it took a week. But I digress.] OK, so she's 19 now. Holy cow. That must make me an old person...

Kate North said...

Oh, and I meant to say, Jackie's blog is the same template as mine, which was slightly weird, but obviously in excellent taste...